Departmental Functions
Strategic Planning
Integrated Development Plan
Local Economic Development
Information and Communication Technology
Legal Services
Internal Audit
Risk Management
Public Participation
Transversal Affairs
Youth Development
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Departmental Functions
Estate Management
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Property Admin
Secretariat Services
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Interesting Places
- Springs Mall
- Skydive The Farm
- Oxbow Country Estate
- Anton Smit Sculpture Park
- Oxbow Country Estate
- Blou Windpomp Guesthouse
- Kaia Manzi
- The Three Countries Estate
- Ebotse Links
Departmental Functions
- Account Administration
- Asset Management
- Debt Collection
- Expenditure
- Financial Management
- Financial Systems
- Payroll
- Revenue
- Stores
- Supply Chain
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Departmental Functions
Social Service Department: Units and Functions
Waste Management
Collection & Disposal of Domestic and Industrial Waste
Rendering of Street Cleaning Services
Clearing of Illegal Dump Spaces
Environmental Education and Awareness
Parks And Cemeteries
Development & maintenance of public parks
Maintenance of public open spaces
Development and management of cemeteries
Beautification of public open spaces
Environment Management
To ensure that the environment is protected and promoted in a sustainable manner
Monitoring of ambient air quality & enforcement of Air Quality by-laws
Protection & Rehabilitation of wetlands
Public Safety Law Enforcement
Traffic law enforcement on all roads & streets
Monitor illegal usage of roads & streets by unlicensed drivers & heavy-duty vehicles
Public safety fire & Disaster management
To provide accessible emergency services to the community
Departmental Functions
Technical Service Department: Units and Functions
Electricity : Deputy Manager electrical
Metering of industries, businesses and residential
Public lighting in a form of high mast and street lights
Maintenance of municipal electricity infrastructure
Maintenance of municipal substations MV & LV distribution supplies
Electrification of the municipal licence areas as per NERSA licence.
Monitoring the correct use of the electricity as per the municipal policy
Development of energy master plans
Development of revenue enhancement strategy through metering.
Planning Development: Deputy Manager Planning and Development
Assessment and approval of building plans
Conduct site and building inspections to control the building process
Issue occupancy certificates when the building complies with all regulations
Issue contravention notices or not to proceed with building operations until requirements are met
Monitor, control and regulate overall building activities
Evaluate and comment on all development applications
Ensure SPLUMA compliance, provisions, and procedures as stipulated by different pieces of legislation
Issuing of illegal land use activities
Issue land use rights, regulate and control the use of land
Monitor and manage the administration processes for the allocation and provision of housing
StormWater Roads: Assistant Manager Roads and StormWater
Development of Roads and Storm-water Master Plans
Maintenance of municipal roads and stormwater drainages
Assessment and approval of wayleave applications
Water and Sanitation
Development of Water and Sanitation Master Plans including WSDP
Maintenance of water and sewer reticulation
Maintenance of water and sewer pump stations
Operation and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment works
Supplying of water to urban and rural areas
Monitoring of water quality and quantity
Delivering of a vacuum tanker service
Project Management Unit: Assistant Manager PMU
Financial Management
Project Identification / Feasibility process
The Special Municipal Infrastructure Fund (SMIF)
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Other capital works funding
Operations and Planned Maintenance Investment
Fleet Management Unit : Assistant Manager Fleet Management
All municipal vehicles and equipment are used and maintained properly
All vehicles are roadworthy and licensed on time
Monitor vehicles through vehicle telematics system (tracking)
All drivers possess valid driver’s licenses
Replace vehicles when no longer economically feasible to be repaired or aged
Lease with supervisor and/or drivers in terms of information sharing